Professor Riccardo Troncone (born in Naples on December 1st, 1953, graduated in 1977, specialised in Pediatrics in 1980) is Full Professor of Pediatrics at the Department of Medical Translational Sciences of the University Federico II, Naples. He is presently Director of the Department of Paediatrics at the University Hospital Federico II, Naples. Professor Riccardo Troncone holds a research position at the Institute of Food Science and Technology, CNR, Avellino. He worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Clinical Immunology, University of Florence, Prof. Romagnani, 1979-80, and at the Gastrointestinal Unit, the University of Edinburgh, Prof. Ferguson, 1985-87.
His research interests are focused mostly on mucosal immunology; from a clinical point of view they include: coeliac disease, food allergies, inflammatory chronic bowel disease. He is the author of 3 volumes, 100 monographies/reviews, 150 original papers. He is member of several Scientific Societies of Pediatrics and Immunology and immediate Past President of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN).